ENCOURAGING WOMEN to draw nearer to God through His Word so they can live out His abundant life in FREEDOM.

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore stand firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1


 Interested in working with Pamela?

Some of Pamela’s KEYNOTE TOPICS


Strength & Dignity

The Bible gives a powerful visual of what it means to be a woman clothed in strength and dignity. As we dive into Proverbs 31, you will learn more about this rare woman and what this means for you!

Freedom in Him

Is there something from your past that you know is forgiven … but it just won’t seem to go away? Galatians 5:1 tells us we can be free from that yoke of slavery and we can find freedom in Him!

Treasures in Heaven

Where is your heart set? Is it set on the things of this earth or treasures in heaven? The most fulfilling life ahead for you is described in Matthew 6:21 as you learn what it is to store up for yourself treasures in heaven. Nothing compares to having an eternal focus from Him!


 Let’s Get Started

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Pamela sharing a message with her Bible Study friends